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How to get all the comments from Disqus?

I want to fetch all the comments on CNN whose comment system is Disqus. As an example,

The commenting system requires us to click on "load more" so that we can see more comments. I have tried using php to parse the html but it was not able to load all the comments since the javascript is used. So i am wondering if anyone has a more convenient way to retrieve all the comments from a specific cnn url.

Has anyone made it successfully? Thanks in advance


  • The Disqus API contains a pagination method using cursors that are returned in the JSON response. See here for information about cursors:

    Since you mentioned PHP, something like this should get you started:

    $apikey = '<your key here>'; // get keys at — can be public or secret for this endpoint
    $shortname = '<the disqus forum shortname>'; // defined in the var disqus_shortname = '...';
    $thread = 'link:<URL of thread>'; // IMPORTANT the URL that you're viewing isn't necessarily the one stored with the thread of comments
    //$thread = 'ident:<identifier of thread>'; Use this if 'link:' has no results. Defined in 'var disqus_identifier = '...';
    $limit = '100'; // max is 100 for this endpoint. 25 is default
    $endpoint = ''.$apikey.'&forum='.$shortname.'&limit='.$limit.'&cursor='.$cursor;
    function listcomments($endpoint,$cursor,$j) {
        // Standard CURL
        $session = curl_init($endpoint.$cursor);
        curl_setopt($session, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); // instead of just returning true on success, return the result on success
        $data = curl_exec($session);
        // Decode JSON data
        $results = json_decode($data);
        if ($results === NULL) die('Error parsing json');
        // Comment response
        $comments = $results->response;
        // Cursor for pagination
        $cursor = $results->cursor;
        foreach ($comments as $comment) {
            $name = $comment->author->name;
            $comment = $comment->message;
            $created = $comment->createdAt;
            // Get more data...
            echo "<p>".$name." wrote:<br/>";
            echo $comment."<br/>";
            echo $created."</p>";
        // cursor through until today
        if ($i == 100) {
            $cursor = $cursor->next;
            $i = 0;
            /* uncomment to only run $j number of iterations
            if ($j < 10) {