I followed the enlive-tutorial and must say i'm impressed by the power of Enlive for parsing the web. Now, I came to look further to the scrape3.clj available here: https://github.com/swannodette/enlive-tutorial/blob/master/src/tutorial/scrape3.clj
Swannodette has made a great job in designing this example, but I feel we could make it a bit dryer.
My question: I would you rewrite this extract function to make it dryer:
(defn extract [node]
(let [headline (first (html/select [node] *headline-selector*))
byline (first (html/select [node] *byline-selector*))
summary (first (html/select [node] *summary-selector*))
result (map html/text [headline byline summary])]
(zipmap [:headline :byline :summary] (map #(re-gsub #"\n" "" %) result))))
If you have other ideas on other elements of the program, feel free to share them!
EDIT: I played around and came up with:
(defn extract [node]
(let [s [*headline-selector* *byline-selector* *summary-selector*]
selected (map #(html/text (first (html/select [node] %))) s)
cleaned (map #(re-gsub #"\n" "" %) selected)]
(zipmap [:headline :byline :summary] cleaned)))
To make the result of the function "more visible" I would use map literal as shown below:
(defn extract [node]
(let [sel #(html/text (first (html/select [node] %)))
rem #(re-gsub #"\n" "" %)
get-text #(-> % sel rem)]
{:headline (get-text *headline-selector*)
:byline (get-text *byline-selector*)
:summary (get-text *summary-selector*)