In an SCXML state machine, how can I say "Fire an event 3 minutes after I enter this state, but not if I sit in the state for 2.9 minutes and then leave. If I re-enter the state, restart the timer (don't go off in 0.1 minutes)"
Use <send>
to fire a delayed event (with any name, e.g. "timeout") when you enter the state, and use <cancel>
when you exit the state to remove the timer. You must make sure that you create a unique ID for each <send>
instance that you plan to later cancel.
<scxml xmlns='' version='1.0'>
<state id="s1">
<onentry><send id="state1-timer" event="timeout" delay="180s"/></onentry>
<onexit><cancel sendid="state1-timer"/></onexit>
<!-- ... --->
Note: you can only use either s
(seconds) or ms
(milliseconds) for the delay duration, per the CSS2 time spec. Thus, 3 minutes is 180s