I am using the following code:
from geopy import geocoders
def main():
gn = geocoders.GeoNames()
city = 'roman'
place, (lat, lng) = gn.geocode_url('http://www.geonames.org/advanced-search.html?q='+city+'&country=FR&featureClass=A&continentCode=&fuzzy=0.6')
location, (lat, lon) = geocodes[0]
print lat, lon
I want to print the first result returned from the Geopy website for a city, given the specific URL configurations (in France, feature = A, and fuzzy = .6)
However, I keep getting a "No JSON Object can be decoded" error from the above code. What's the issue?
You're supposed to use the JSON webservice:
url = 'http://ws.geonames.org/searchJSON?q=%s&country=FR&featureClass=A&continentCode=&fuzzy=0.6'
gn.geocode_url(url % city)
The proper way to add more params is to use urlencode
and the url geocode
from urllib import urlencode
params = {
'q': 'roman',
'featureClass': 'A',
'fuzzy': '0.6',
'country': 'FR'
gn.geocode_url(gn.url % urlencode(params))