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Create a File in COBOL

Using COBOL, how can I create a line sequential .dat file if a file of the specified name does not exist?


  • Use either


    which will create a new file every time erasing any existent data, or add the OPTIONAL keyword to the FILE-CONTROL SELECT phrase.

        select OPTIONAL data-file
            assign to file-name
            organization is line sequential
            file status is data-file-status.

    and use OPEN I-O data-file. COBOL will prep an empty file for first write if need be.

    See for an arbitrary example (not line sequential, but should get the point across).

    Listing (and output) included here for completeness:

          *> ***************************************************************
          *><* ================
          *><* indexing example
          *><* ================
          *><* :Author:    Brian Tiffin
          *><* :Date:      17-Feb-2009
          *><* :Purpose:   Fun with Indexed IO routines
          *><* :Tectonics: cobc -x indexing.cob
          *> ***************************************************************
           identification division.
           program-id. indexing.
           environment division.
           configuration section.
           input-output section.
              select optional indexing
              assign to "indexing.dat"
              organization is indexed
              access mode is dynamic
              record key is keyfield of indexing-record
              alternate record key is splitkey of indexing-record
                  with duplicates
          *> ** OpenCOBOL does not yet support split keys **
          *>  alternate record key is newkey
          *>      source is first-part of indexing-record
          *>                last-part of indexing-record
          *>      with duplicates
           data division.
           file section.
           fd indexing.
           01 indexing-record.
              03 keyfield          pic x(8).
              03 splitkey.
                 05 first-part     pic 99.
                 05 middle-part    pic x.
                 05 last-part      pic 99.
              03 data-part         pic x(54).
           working-storage section.
           01 display-record.
              03 filler            pic x(4)  value spaces.
              03 keyfield          pic x(8).
              03 filler            pic xx    value spaces.
              03 splitkey.
                 05 first-part     pic z9.
                 05 filler         pic x     value space.
                 05 middle-part    pic x.
                 05 filler         pic xx    value all "+".
                 05 last-part      pic z9.
              03 filler            pic x(4)  value all "-".
              03 data-part         pic x(54).
          *> control break
           01 oldkey               pic 99x99.
          *> In a real app this should well be two separate flags
           01 control-flag         pic x.
              88 no-more-duplicates          value high-value
                 when set to false is              low-value.
              88 no-more-records             value high-value
                 when set to false is              low-value.
          *> ***************************************************************
           procedure division.
          *> Open optional index file for read write
           open i-o indexing
          *> populate a sample database
           move "1234567800a01some 12345678 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "8765432100a01some 87654321 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "1234876500a01some 12348765 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "8765123400a01some 87651234 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "1234567900b02some 12345679 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "9765432100b02some 97654321 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "1234976500b02some 12349765 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "9765123400b02some 97651234 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "1234568900c13some 12345689 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "9865432100c13some 98654321 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "1234986500c13some 12349865 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
           move "9865123400c13some 98651234 data here" to indexing-record
           perform write-indexing-record
          *> close it ... not necessary, but for the example
           close indexing
          *> clear the record space for this example
           move spaces to indexing-record
          *> open the data file again
           open i-o indexing
          *> read all the duplicate 00b02 keys
           move 00 to first-part of indexing-record
           move "b" to middle-part of indexing-record
           move 02 to last-part of indexing-record
          *> using read key and then next key / last key compare
           set no-more-duplicates to false
           perform read-indexing-record
           perform read-next-record
               until no-more-duplicates
          *> read by key of reference ... the cool stuff
           move 00 to first-part of indexing-record
           move "a" to middle-part of indexing-record
           move 02 to last-part of indexing-record
          *> using start and read next
           set no-more-records to false
           perform start-at-key
           perform read-next-by-key
               until no-more-records
          *> read by primary key of reference
           move "87654321" to keyfield of indexing-record
           set no-more-records to false
           perform start-prime-key
           perform read-previous-by-key
               until no-more-records
          *> and with that we are done with indexing sample
           close indexing
          *> ***************************************************************
          *><* Write paragraph
             write indexing-record
                 invalid key
                         "rewrite key: " keyfield of indexing-record
                       rewrite indexing-record
                           invalid key
                                   "really bad key: "
                                   keyfield of indexing-record
          *><* read by alternate key paragraph
               display "Reading: " splitkey of indexing-record end-display
               read indexing key is splitkey of indexing-record
             invalid key
                    "bad read key: " splitkey of indexing-record
                   set no-more-duplicates to true
          *><* read next sequential paragraph
               move corresponding indexing-record to display-record
               display display-record end-display
               move splitkey of indexing-record to oldkey
               read indexing next record
                   at end set no-more-duplicates to true
                   not at end
                       if oldkey not equal splitkey of indexing-record
                           set no-more-duplicates to true
          *><* start primary key of reference paragraph
               display "Prime < " keyfield of indexing-record end-display
               start indexing
                  key is less than
                      keyfield of indexing-record
                  invalid key
                          "bad start: " keyfield of indexing-record
                      set no-more-records to true
                  not invalid key
                      read indexing previous record
                          at end set no-more-records to true
          *><* read previous by key of reference paragraph
               move corresponding indexing-record to display-record
               display display-record end-display
               read indexing previous record
                   at end set no-more-records to true
          *><* start alternate key of reference paragraph
               display "Seeking >= " splitkey of indexing-record end-display
               start indexing
                  key is greater than or equal to
                      splitkey of indexing-record
                  invalid key
                          "bad start: " splitkey of indexing-record
                      set no-more-records to true
                  not invalid key
                      read indexing next record
                          at end set no-more-records to true
          *><* read next by key of reference paragraph
               move corresponding indexing-record to display-record
               display display-record end-display
               read indexing next record
                   at end set no-more-records to true
           end program indexing.
          *><* Last Update: 20090220

    which outputs:

    Reading: 00b02
        12345679   0 b++ 2----some 12345679 data here
        97654321   0 b++ 2----some 97654321 data here
        12349765   0 b++ 2----some 12349765 data here
        97651234   0 b++ 2----some 97651234 data here
        12345679   0 b++ 2----some 12345679 data here
        97654321   0 b++ 2----some 97654321 data here
        12349765   0 b++ 2----some 12349765 data here
        97651234   0 b++ 2----some 97651234 data here
        12345679   0 b++ 2----some 12345679 data here
        97654321   0 b++ 2----some 97654321 data here
        12349765   0 b++ 2----some 12349765 data here
        97651234   0 b++ 2----some 97651234 data here
    Seeking >= 00a02
        12345679   0 b++ 2----some 12345679 data here
        97654321   0 b++ 2----some 97654321 data here
        12349765   0 b++ 2----some 12349765 data here
        97651234   0 b++ 2----some 97651234 data here
        12345679   0 b++ 2----some 12345679 data here
        97654321   0 b++ 2----some 97654321 data here
        12349765   0 b++ 2----some 12349765 data here
        97651234   0 b++ 2----some 97651234 data here
        12345679   0 b++ 2----some 12345679 data here
        97654321   0 b++ 2----some 97654321 data here
        12349765   0 b++ 2----some 12349765 data here
        97651234   0 b++ 2----some 97651234 data here
        12345689   0 c++13----some 12345689 data here
        98654321   0 c++13----some 98654321 data here
        12349865   0 c++13----some 12349865 data here
        98651234   0 c++13----some 98651234 data here
        12345689   0 c++13----some 12345689 data here
        98654321   0 c++13----some 98654321 data here
        12349865   0 c++13----some 12349865 data here
        98651234   0 c++13----some 98651234 data here
        12345689   0 c++13----some 12345689 data here
        98654321   0 c++13----some 98654321 data here
        12349865   0 c++13----some 12349865 data here
        98651234   0 c++13----some 98651234 data here
    Prime < 87654321
        87651234   0 a++ 1----some 87651234 data here
        12349865   0 c++13----some 12349865 data here
        12349765   0 b++ 2----some 12349765 data here
        12348765   0 a++ 1----some 12348765 data here
        12345689   0 c++13----some 12345689 data here
        12345679   0 b++ 2----some 12345679 data here
        12345678   0 a++ 1----some 12345678 data here

    on any first runs, where indexing.dat does not exist. Subsequent runs have the same output with:

    rewrite key: 12345678
    rewrite key: 87654321
    rewrite key: 12348765
    rewrite key: 87651234
    rewrite key: 12345679
    rewrite key: 97654321
    rewrite key: 12349765
    rewrite key: 97651234
    rewrite key: 12345689
    rewrite key: 98654321
    rewrite key: 12349865
    rewrite key: 98651234

    prepended, as the WRITE INVALID KEY clause triggers a REWRITE to allow overwriting key and data.