I am building an application for Windows Phone. Every time the user does something inside the application, I write stuff about that action on a "log" .txt file. It also logs the crashes and the unhandled exceptions.
How can I get the .txt from the user so that I can find and resolve possible errors / exceptions?
I dont want to use the email composer task since the user may edit or modify it before sending it to me. I know I can encode / encrypt the data but im looking for something else.
Is there any other way to do that?
What I have in my mind is a button that when the user clicks it it connects to the internet and uploads the .txt on some ftp server. or something similar
you need your own server for that and after you can use http connexion. Or if you want something very easy, just put something like Flurry or Bugsense (free solution) on your application.