I'd like to be able to get at the user when I'm mapping a request to an object using Play Forms. To make things more fiddly, I'm also using the SecureSocial framework, so request.user
is a securesocial.core.SocialUser.
The code below is problematic because the mapped doc
object is an immutable case class so I can't reassign lender
. I'd prefer to keep the immutability if possible.
I'm a Scala noob so not sure how to proceed.
def create = SecuredAction() { implicit request =>
errors => {
doc => AsyncResult {
// TODO: set the lender without mutating a val
doc.lender = models.User.fromSocialUser(request.user)
collection.insert(doc.copy()).map(_ => Ok)
Would appreciate your help.
you could so something like:
doc => AsyncResult {
val toInsert = doc.copy(lender = models.User.fromSecureUser(request.user))
collection.insert(toInsert).map(_ => Ok)