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RxJS is to events as promises are to async

In Requesting a clear, picturesque explanation of Reactive Extensions (RX)? I asked about what RX is all about, and I think, thanks to the provided answers I now got the idea.

In the referenced question i quoted a sentence from which says:

RxJS is to events as promises are to async.

Although I think that I got the idea behind RX, I do not get this sentence at all. I can not even say what it is exactly that I do not understand. It's more like ... I don't see the connection between the first and the second half of the sentence.

To me, this sentence sounds important and impressive, but I can hardly tell whether it's true or not, whether it's a great insight or not, and so on ...

Can anybody explain what the sentence means in words someone (like me) can understand who is new to all this reactive stuff?


  • Promises are a way to define computations that may happen once an asynchronous operation completes. RxJs is a way to define computations that may happen when one or more events, in a stream, occur (onNext), complete (onCompleted), or throw an exception (onError).