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C++ elegant templates injection into interface

I need some trick to implement c++ unsupportable: i need to mix dynamic and static polymorhism (virtual and template). What i need (some schematic code):

class IManager
    template<class T>
    void Set();
    template<class T>
    T *Get();

    IManager *_parent;

class Manager1: public IManager{};
class Manager2: public IManager{};

// the main goal is a semantic:
IManager manager = Manager1;
// IManager manager = Manager2;
MyClass *myClass = manager.Get<MyClass>();

This is a little bit looks like service locator. but it has some differences and i need a such interface declaration. i already have a such implementation, but without interface (it just configuratable by options in constructor, and i want to separate implementations of each interface)

Update: For now i have 2 implementations: 1. I use interfaces, but it methods are cover all states of template paramteres via arguments. And also i have static function helpers, which convert template parameters and pass them to interfaces as arguments

class Manager: IManager{};
Manager manager;
Helper::Set<T>( manager );
Helper::Get<T>( manager );
  1. i don't use interfaces, but inject all different implementations in one instance and configurate it by constructor arguments. Both solutions are ugly.

    class Manager{ public: Manager( options ); };


  • This is doable with the Visitor design pattern.

    Visitor injects new functionality into a hierarchy of classes. This need not be virtual and can be expressed as a function template with no problems.

    The usual downsides of Visitor apply (the cyclic dependency), as do the usual fixes/workarounds (the acyclic dynamic visitor technique).

    Here's a (regular, cyclic) implementation example, quickly thrown together.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <typeinfo>
    class Manager1;
    class Manager2;
    class Visitor
      virtual void visit (Manager1*) = 0;
      virtual void visit (Manager2*) = 0;
    class IManager
        template<class T> void Set(T* t);
        template<class T> T *Get();
        virtual void accept(Visitor* v) = 0;
    class Manager1: public IManager
        template<class T> void Set(T*) 
        { std::cout << "Manager1::Set " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; }
        template<class T> T *Get() 
        { std::cout << "Manager1::Get " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; return 0; }
        virtual void accept(Visitor* v) 
        { v->visit(this); }
    class Manager2: public IManager
        template<class T> void Set(T* t) 
        { std::cout << "Manager2::Set " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; }
        template<class T> T *Get()
        { std::cout << "Manager2::Get " << typeid(T).name() << std::endl; return 0; }
        virtual void accept(Visitor* v) 
        { v->visit(this); }
    template <class T>
    class GetVisitor : public Visitor
        T* GetFunc(IManager* m) { m->accept(this); return t; }
        void visit(Manager1* m) { t = m->Get<T>(); }
        void visit(Manager2* m) { t = m->Get<T>(); }
        T* t;
    template <class T>
    class SetVisitor : public Visitor
        void SetFunc(IManager* m, T* tt) { t = tt; m->accept(this); }
        void visit(Manager1* m) { m->Set(t); }
        void visit(Manager2* m) { m->Set(t); }
        T* t;
    template<class T> void IManager::Set(T* t)
    { SetVisitor<T> v; v.SetFunc(this, t); }
    template<class T> T *IManager::Get()
    { GetVisitor<T> v; return v.GetFunc(this); }
    class Foo {};
    int main ()
      IManager* mgr1 = new Manager1;
      IManager* mgr2 = new Manager2;
      int a = 5;
      const char* b = "abc";
      double c = 1.0;
      Foo d;

    It is possible to break the cycle with some dynamic_casts, but each user of Set and Get will still depend on all Manager classes. This is how templates work in C++. If this is not acceptable, then templates perhaps are not the right tool for this job.