Is it possible to execute task directly on Dalvik VM machine as we run other virtual machines on desktop system?
If i have understood your question correctly :I'm considering task
mentioned in question as apk (If so then following answer might help ypu)
If you have your target connected to host then you can use two of the most common command tools :
activity manager (am)
package manager (pm)
First install apllication through command line adb install <path_to_apk>
For example : adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
will launch settings .
If you don't know that package name or any activity name then start application from GUI ,then capture the logs using logcat it will show you action,category,component .
After knowing action,category,component use am
command as shown above
Please check this link
Also check documentation
And for Dalvik Debugger Support check this link