I'm trying to make a callendar, so I use time_t and localtime_s to store the time and date info and then store it in individual members of the Calendar class:
void Callendar::Initialize()
time_t now = time(0);
tm *localTime = null;
localtime_s(localTime, &now);
LocalSeconds = localTime->tm_sec;
LocalMinutes = localTime->tm_min;
LocalHours = localTime->tm_hour;
LocalDays = localTime->tm_mday;
LocalMonths = localTime->tm_mon;
LocalYears = localTime->tm_year;
DaysSinceSunday = localTime->tm_wday;
DaysSinceJanuaryFirst = localTime->tm_yday;
HoursDaylightSavings = localTime->tm_isdst;
All compiles fine, however at runtime I get:
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: C:\Users\MyPC\Desktop\Framework\Framework\Debug\Framework.exe File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\loctim64.c Line: 69
Expression: ( ptm != NULL )
After I close the failed assert message, I get a standart debug error at this line:
static __inline errno_t __CRTDECL localtime_s(struct tm * _Tm, const time_t * _Time)
return _localtime64_s(_Tm, _Time);
Which is basically the result of calling *localtime_s(localTime, &now);* in Calendar:Initialize() Could I possibly using a deprecated version of this functionality?I know there are other functions to get localtime, but I don't know which is the "proper" one.Others have suggested to me that I shouldn't use 'localtime', but seemingly localtime_s isn't working out either.
Please see documentation
Pointer to the time structure to be filled in.
Meaning that the function expects the first parameter to be a non null pointer to a valid tm
tm *localTime = null;
localtime_s(localTime, &now);
tm localTime;
localtime_s(&localTime, &now);