How do I make all files/folders in/under usr
folder permanently visible in Finder?
I know how to temporarily make the these folders visible from:
"Search" in Finder; type "usr"; select "Other" from menu "Kind"; type "invisible"; select "File Visiblity"; select "Invisible Items" from menu... But I really don't want to do that every time I am looking for a file in the usr
I have also tried to the following code in the terminal:
$defaults write AppleShowAllFiles True
$killall Finder
Not only does this make all files visible, but I can't seem to be able to find the usr
Does anyone know how I make only the usr
-tree permanently visible?
If you must have access to /usr
from the finder, probably the easiest way is to create a symbolic link to it. From a terminal session shell and using usrlink
as an "alias":
sudo ln -s /usr /usrlink
sudo chmod -h 755 /usrlink
Then you should be able to see see the directories under /usr
(which is filtered by the Finder) under /usrlink
(which is not). But I really don't recommend doing this. It's too easy to mess /usr
up inadvertently and, if you do, you're probably going to have to reinstall OS X. Also, .
files will still be hidden without changing other preferences.