I'm looking for a rails gem that allows my users (and or groups) the ability to create "pages".
I want it similar (if not nearly exactly) like pages.github.com, which I believe uses a library called Jekyll.
I've looked into this briefly, but I haven't been able to find any more... complete solutions.
Does anyone know of a solution that does what I'm looking for? I'd like to configure it for my models Group and User.
I don't about Jekyll, but his website says "is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby", and I don't think that's the case.
A solution is to store the pages created by the users to the Database, you can use Textile and/or RedCloth (instead of pure HTML).
There is a nice railscast how to create semi-static pages, I am sure you can get some good ideas: http://railscasts.com/episodes/117-semi-static-pages
I hope this help you.