I'm reading a directory in nodejs using the fs.readdir()
function. You feed it a string containing a path and it returns an array containing all the files inside that directory path in string format. It does not work for me with special characters (like ï
I came across this similar issue, however I am on OS X).
First I created a new dir called encoding
and created a file called maïs.md
(with my editor Sublime Text).
fs.readdir('encoding', function(err, files) {
console.log(files); // [ 'maïs.md' ]
console.log(files[0]); // maïs.md
console.log(files[0] === 'maïs.md'); // false
console.log(files[0] == 'maïs.md'); // false
console.log(files[0].toString('utf8') === 'maïs.md'); // false
The above test works correctly for files without special characters. How can I compare this correctly?
you character seems to be this one. You should try with
(1) console.log(files[0] == 'ma\u00EF;s.md');
(2) console.log(files[0] == 'mai\u0308;s.md');
If (1) works it could mean that the file containing your code is not saved in utf-8 format, so the node.js engine does not interpret correctly the ï character in your code.
If (2) works it could mean that the file system gives to the node engine the ï character in its decomposed unicode form (i followed by a diacritic ¨). cf @thejh answer
In this (2) case, use the unorm library available on npm to normalize the strings before comparing them (or the original UnicodeNormalizer)