I am using the the Saripaar validation library https://github.com/ragunathjawahar/android-saripaar to validate one of the forms. The library is pretty useful as it avoids a lot of boilerplate code for validating a form. However, the library uses annontations on widgets. Below is an example:
@Password(order = 1)
@TextRule(order = 2, minLength = 6, message = "Enter at least 6 characters.")
private EditText passwordEditText;
The order attribute is the one that specifies the order in which the validations are going to take place. Here is my problem: the message attribute takes a constant expression. I need to set this from string Resource file. So that error messages can be internationalized later. I have already tried below:
message = getResources().getString(R.string.err_msg)
But it doesnt seem to work as it needs compile time constants.
Can anyone help me with the same or guide me through a workaround?
Use this syntax :
//private variable in the class declaration section
private EditText txtFirstName=null;
@Required(order = 2, messageResId = R.string.err_required_field)
It's in the lib's documentation (and the lib itself is an excellent one).