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Stop Scaning for Barcodes by Zxing in Android

I'm developing an Android application using Zxing library to read QR codes. Now I'm almost done and only one question is left.

I need app to stop scanning for 10 seconds after certain event. I have put the thread to sleep 10 seconds and it's not the way I wanted. I want to app to act as everything is normal. But it shouldn't let users know that it's not scanning anything.

Can you explain how to do that. I can use timer method. But which method in Zxing should I stop for 10 seconds?


  • I made it working as I expected. All the decoding things are done by handleDecode method in Capture activity class. So I initialized a boolean variable inside onCreate,

    boolean isTensecondsFinished = ture;

    Then I check the isTensecondsFinished variable for decode QR code. Just like this,

    public void handleDecode(Result rawResult, Bitmap barcode) {
        lastResult = rawResult;
        ResultHandler resultHandler = ResultHandlerFactory.makeResultHandler(
                this, rawResult);
        boolean fromLiveScan = barcode != null;
        if (fromLiveScan) {
            // historyManager.addHistoryItem(rawResult, resultHandler);
            // Then not from history, so beep/vibrate and we have an image to
            // draw on
            if (isTenSecondsFinished) {
                isTenSecondsFinished = false;
                Timer tenSecondsTimer = new Timer();
                tenSecondsTimer.schedule(new TimerTask() {
                    public void run() {
                        isTenSecondsFinished = true;
                }, 10 * 1000);
                                //Do the decoding stuff here then.

    I think this is the simplest solution.