Is it possible to use Ruby on Rails' before_filter
method to check that one of multiple things is true? Specifically, I am using Devise in which I have defined a user and an admin and I would like to ensure that whoever is accessing a specific controller is one or the other. I have looked for answers in documentation and SO and haven't had any luck.
Thanks, here are my versions (if it helps):
It is possible. I'm hesitant to actually place this as an answer because it doesn't get any simpler than this. I am assuming that you have an admin?
method that returns true or false depending on the user's role.
before_filter :check_if_admin
def check_if_admin
if signed_in?
raise 'Only admins allowed!' unless current_user.admin?
# or you can use the authenticate_user! devise provides to only allow signed_in users
raise 'Please sign in!'