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fetching json feed intermittently fails in ios uitableview

I am building a simple ios app that attempts to show sequence of images from flickr. The problem is it sometimes works and sometimes fails and I am not sure where is it going wrong. Application has a master detail view. Detailview is not currently used and the problem happens in master view itself. Am setting up a refresh button on masterview and trying to refetch the data when user attempts to refresh.


Appreciate any insights.

Here is the error:

[MasterViewController connectionDidFinishLoading:] JSON error: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Cocoa error 3840.)

Here is the code:

Header MasterViewController.h:
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
@interface MasterViewController : UITableViewController

@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableData* receivedData;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSURLConnection *connection;
@property (strong, nonatomic) NSMutableArray* items;



- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];

    UIBarButtonItem *addButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemRefresh target:self action:@selector(fetchFlickrData)];
    self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = addButton;
    [self fetchFlickrData];

- (NSInteger)numberOfSectionsInTableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    return 1;

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
    if ( items != nil )
        return items.count;
        return 0;

- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView
         cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    static NSString *CellIdentifier = @"previewCell";

    previewCell *cell = [tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier:CellIdentifier];

    if (cell == nil)
        NSArray *nib = [[NSBundle mainBundle] loadNibNamed:@"previewCell" owner:self options:nil];
        cell = [nib objectAtIndex:0];
        cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;
    NSDictionary* item = [items objectAtIndex:[indexPath row]];

    NSString* url = [[item objectForKey:@"media"] objectForKey:@"m"];

    [ setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]
                   placeholderImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"thumbnail.jpg"]];
    return cell;


-(bool)fetchFlickrData {
    // build the url for fetching json data
    NSString* url = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@", FLICKR_PUBLIC_API_URI];

    // Escape the characters in the URL
    url = [url stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    // Create the request.
    NSURLRequest *theRequest=[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:url]

    connection=[[NSURLConnection alloc] initWithRequest:theRequest delegate:self];

    if (connection)
        self.receivedData = [[NSMutableData alloc]init];
    { // Failed connection
        return false;

    return true;

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection
didReceiveResponse:(NSURLResponse *)response
    [self.receivedData setLength:0];

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection
    didReceiveData:(NSData *)data
    [self.receivedData appendData:data];

- (void)connection:(NSURLConnection *)connection
  didFailWithError:(NSError *)error
    receivedData = nil;
    NSLog(@"Connection failed! Error - %@ %@",
          [error localizedDescription],
          [[error userInfo] objectForKey:NSURLErrorFailingURLStringErrorKey]);


- (void)connectionDidFinishLoading:(NSURLConnection *)connection
    // do something with the data
    // receivedData is declared as a method instance elsewhere
    NSLog(@"Succeeded! Received %d bytes of data",[self.receivedData length]);

    NSString* stringcontents = [[NSString alloc] initWithData:self.receivedData encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    NSData *jsonData = [stringcontents dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];

    NSError *error = nil;

    NSDictionary *tempresults = jsonData ? [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:jsonData options:0 error:&error] : nil;

    if (error) {


        NSLog(@"[%@ %@] JSON error: %@", NSStringFromClass([self class]), NSStringFromSelector(_cmd), error.localizedDescription);
        NSLog(@"%@", stringcontents);

    if ( !error )

        NSDictionary* tempitems = [tempresults objectForKey:@"items" ];

        if ( !items )
        { // Allocate the mutable array if not already allocated
            items = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
            [items removeAllObjects];

        for (NSDictionary* item in tempitems)
            [items addObject:item];
        [self.tableView reloadData];
        //Alert error

    self.connection =nil;

Contents when it throws error:

        "title": "Uploads from everyone",
        "link": "",
        "description": "",
        "modified": "2013-02-24T05:49:14Z",
        "generator": "",
        "items": [
            "title": "P1610143",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-16T12:20:10-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">Bighead City<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"P1610143\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"180\" alt=\"P1610143\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:14Z",
            "author": " (Bighead City)",
            "author_id": "19809616@N08",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "20121231-DSC08686.jpg",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2012-12-31T12:52:35-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">William0912<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"20121231-DSC08686.jpg\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"180\" alt=\"20121231-DSC08686.jpg\" /><\/a><\/p> <p>201301015鎮西堡跨年<br /> 明新登山社<\/p>",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:16Z",
            "author": " (William0912)",
            "author_id": "81613772@N00",
            "tags": "鎮西堡 friendlyflickr 201301015鎮西堡跨年 明新登山社"
            "title": "IMAG0710",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2012-10-27T22:30:28-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">bmota2007<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"IMAG0710\"><img src=\"\" width=\"135\" height=\"240\" alt=\"IMAG0710\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:20Z",
            "author": " (bmota2007)",
            "author_id": "84380329@N08",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "IMAG0157.jpg",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2012-09-08T23:55:12-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">k7801101<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"IMAG0157.jpg\"><img src=\"\" width=\"160\" height=\"240\" alt=\"IMAG0157.jpg\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:22Z",
            "author": " (k7801101)",
            "author_id": "58459890@N08",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "The Press - Work at Rockville Metro Plaza I",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-24T00:45:53-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">Nakeva<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"The Press - Work at Rockville Metro Plaza I\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"180\" alt=\"The Press - Work at Rockville Metro Plaza I\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:22Z",
            "author": " (Nakeva)",
            "author_id": "28116601@N02",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "BHS BBall Region Quarterfinals_1077.JPG",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-23T18:32:15-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">kjbaumann<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"BHS BBall Region Quarterfinals_1077.JPG\"><img src=\"\" width=\"159\" height=\"240\" alt=\"BHS BBall Region Quarterfinals_1077.JPG\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:22Z",
            "author": " (kjbaumann)",
            "author_id": "33453969@N04",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "DSC_1458",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-01-09T23:43:06-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">Eddi Lui<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"DSC_1458\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"160\" alt=\"DSC_1458\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:24Z",
            "author": " (Eddi Lui)",
            "author_id": "68014013@N08",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "DSC_0112",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-23T22:00:09-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">pjkdmd<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"DSC_0112\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"159\" alt=\"DSC_0112\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:25Z",
            "author": " (pjkdmd)",
            "author_id": "81759199@N08",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "8499469359_a854f58ba3_z",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-24T06:49:26-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">Hồng Anh ®<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"8499469359_a854f58ba3_z\"><img src=\"\" width=\"160\" height=\"240\" alt=\"8499469359_a854f58ba3_z\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:26Z",
            "author": " (Hồng Anh ®)",
            "author_id": "39951352@N03",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "Punggol End",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2012-05-26T23:29:17-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\"><\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"Punggol End\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"160\" alt=\"Punggol End\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:14Z",
            "author": " (",
            "author_id": "76188829@N02",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "IMG_0597",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-23T04:39:39-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">MediaOCU<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"IMG_0597\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"160\" alt=\"IMG_0597\" /><\/a><\/p> <p>The OCU spirit squad performed at a spirit competition in the Henry J Freede activity and wellness center on Saturday afternoon.<br /> <br /> The Campus/Michael Horn<\/p>",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:16Z",
            "author": " (MediaOCU)",
            "author_id": "86702597@N04",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "Squaw Valley ski trip",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-22T10:30:59-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">hallucinant<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"Squaw Valley ski trip\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"160\" alt=\"Squaw Valley ski trip\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:16Z",
            "author": " (hallucinant)",
            "author_id": "62641951@N00",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "053/365",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-22T19:37:35-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">originalrocker<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"053/365\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"180\" alt=\"053/365\" /><\/a><\/p> <p>worst feeling ever: when your little one is feeling bad with a high fever, and you can only do so much. :(<\/p>",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:17Z",
            "author": " (originalrocker)",
            "author_id": "49882128@N00",
            "tags": "max project day ruben tracy 365 homies guzman maximiliano 2013 365dayproject uploaded:by=flickrmobile flickriosapp:filter=nofilter"
            "title": "Oh qu\'il est haut, le pont du Bono...",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-01-13T16:24:20-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">DYC56<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"Oh qu\'il est haut, le pont du Bono...\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"204\" alt=\"Oh qu\'il est haut, le pont du Bono...\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:17Z",
            "author": " (DYC56)",
            "author_id": "76919092@N08",
            "tags": "bridge france art soleil eau lumière pierre bretagne breizh pont bateau morbihan soe hdr bois nikond700 ahhhlafrance nikonpassion pixeliste nikkor1424mmf28g bretagnesanspareil mordusdephotos bouboun56"
            "title": "Playing a rehearsal tomorrow and the lead sheets will be only on my iPad. Lets see how this goes!",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-23T23:49:19-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">jasondeg<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"Playing a rehearsal tomorrow and the lead sheets will be only on my iPad. Lets see how this goes!\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"240\" alt=\"Playing a rehearsal tomorrow and the lead sheets will be only on my iPad. Lets see how this goes!\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:19Z",
            "author": " (jasondeg)",
            "author_id": "40834611@N06",
            "tags": "square squareformat iphoneography instagramapp uploaded:by=instagram foursquare:venue=50daa303e4b019a9f2725785"
            "title": "IMG_0588",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-23T18:01:42-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">Henry McLin<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"IMG_0588\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"160\" alt=\"IMG_0588\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:20Z",
            "author": " (Henry McLin)",
            "author_id": "95014738@N00",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-23T09:29:12-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">beltz6<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"160\" alt=\"\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:21Z",
            "author": " (beltz6)",
            "author_id": "23089307@N02",
            "tags": "mesa ucsb universityofcalifornia afsdxvrzoomnikkor18200mmf3556gifedii"
            "title": "bristow_party_124",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-17T00:16:46-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">amy herndon<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"bristow_party_124\"><img src=\"\" width=\"180\" height=\"240\" alt=\"bristow_party_124\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:22Z",
            "author": " (amy herndon)",
            "author_id": "62464749@N08",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "100_1764",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2005-08-17T12:46:26-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">lelikadgi<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"100_1764\"><img src=\"\" width=\"180\" height=\"240\" alt=\"100_1764\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:22Z",
            "author": " (lelikadgi)",
            "author_id": "77157992@N04",
            "tags": ""
            "title": "@eliseebrown",
            "link": "",
            "media": {"m":""},
            "date_taken": "2013-02-24T00:49:24-08:00",
            "description": " <p><a href=\"\">jj_delrosario<\/a> posted a photo:<\/p> <p><a href=\"\" title=\"@eliseebrown\"><img src=\"\" width=\"240\" height=\"240\" alt=\"@eliseebrown\" /><\/a><\/p> ",
            "published": "2013-02-24T05:49:24Z",
            "author": " (jj_delrosario)",
            "author_id": "57743051@N03",
            "tags": "square squareformat iphoneography instagramapp uploaded:by=instagram foursquare:venue=4b7e974ef964a5203df42fe3"


  • Use NSLog(@"%@", [error debugDescription]); to further debug the issue.