I really don't like ExtJS but I'm forced to use it. I want to use Twitter Bootstrap 2.2.1 for the main layout and ExtJS for grids and JS (policy).
I have an awesome looking Bootstrap design going but the minute I load ExtJS, the navbar, fonts, etc get all hosed up.
Is there a way I can get the two to work together without going into the ExtJS and tweaking tons of CSS?
The CSS file I am using is in the following path (for ExtJS):
Here is my solution:
1.use ext-all-scoped.css instead of ext-all.css
2.add the following code before you load ext-all.js
<script type='text/javascript'>
Ext = {
"scopeResetCSS": true
<script type='text/javascript' src='http://xxx.com/extjs/ext-all.js'></script>
3.remove the following declaration in ext-all-scoped.css to prevent extjs to re-render the body with those conflict css declarations after bootstrap has been loaded
.x-body {