I am doing some calculations and before outputting I want to change the number to a fraction. For example 0.25 would become 1/4, well in a list of the two numbers [1, 4].
Use the fractions
module to do that:
>>> import fractions
>>> fractions.Fraction(0.25)
Fraction(1, 4)
>>> f = fractions.Fraction(0.25)
>>> f.numerator
>>> f.denominator
For arbitrary floats as input, you really want to use the .limit_denominator()
method to limit your fractions to sane approximations of the floating point number:
>>> from math import pi, cos
>>> fractions.Fraction(cos(pi/3))
Fraction(4503599627370497, 9007199254740992)
>>> fractions.Fraction(cos(pi/3)).limit_denominator()
Fraction(1, 2)