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Adt message converters - INTEGERS come as nulls

I am using following configuration for handling OracleAQ with adt payload...

<bean id="messageConverter"
    <bean class=""> 
      <constructor-arg index="0" value="MY_QUEUE"/>
      <constructor-arg index="1" value="MyMappedClass"/>

the problem is that after dequeuing I am getting on java side null values for fields with INTEGERs and non null values for other fields.

  time=2013-02-22 14:57:11.0

In queue table these values exists as not nulls.

What can be the reason. I expected bad mappings, but I don't see anything wrong there. Those fields are mapped as Types.INTEGER.

Do you have maybe idea what can be the reason?


  • Finally I've found that there are mistakes in generated mapping files. For Long field I had Integer setter. That was the reason why reflection api during conversion process regarded those fields as non writeable. So it was not library version or configuration problem.