In WPF and Silverlight you can make a view model object and set it into the DataContext of a control when the control is constructed at runtime. You can then bind properties of the visual object to properties in your DataContext.
One way to set the binding is to type the binding directly into the tag:
<TextBox Text="{Binding Path=Description}"/>
And this will bind the textbox to the Description property in the view model.
The problem with typing in the binding is that you may make a typing mistake. (And you will almost certainly make a mistake if you have hundreds of bindings to make.)
In Expression Blend there is a little white dot beside the Text property in the Properties window. This brings up a menu from which you can Create Data Binding.
One technique is to include the VM as a resource in your view:
<local:YourViewModel x:Key="ViewModel"/>
You can then reference that as DataContext="{StaticResource ViewModel}"
Can't say I like it, but I can't say I like any of the view-first idiosynchrasies that Blend imposes on your design.