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yii CGridView initial sort

Is there any way to set an initial sorting a CGridView? I have a DB table that contains: id | name | description | create_time... In my CGridView I want my data to be shown without the id (this can be done by setting columns in CGridView but I would like to know if there is any other method to eliminate this fields from dataProvider) and I want to have my data sorted after name ASC. How can I do this because it always sort after id and I can't set a criteria for CGridView?


  • You can define a default order in your model respectively the CActiveDataProvider. The following snippet sorts by the column SortMeColumn by default.

    public function search()
      $criteria = new CDbCriteria;
      $criteria->compare('ID', $this->ID, true);
      $criteria->compare('SortMeColumn', $this->SortMeColumn, true);
      return new CActiveDataProvider($this,
               'criteria' => $criteria,
               'sort' => array(
                  'defaultOrder' => array(
                     'SortMeColumn' => CSort::SORT_DESC

    See CSort for reference.