I was passing a string of HTML formatted text for a signature in VB6 to Outlook but on certain very old computers with very old versions of outlook it was running into a problem where hypens would start a new line, or if I used the tag to fix it then word wrap would be totally turned off.
I want to try to use RTF instead hoping that this will fix the problem. However I still have that signature that is in HTML and I need to pass it in as a string into Outlook using Rich Text formatting. I can't find any good resources on this or if it is even possible, whenever I try they show up with the escape commands and everything.
My current HTML string:
string = vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "<B><FONT face=Arial color=#365f91 size=2>" & _
strName & "</FONT>" & _
"<FONT face=Arial size=2><BR>" & _
"<I>" & strPosition & "</I>" & _
"</FONT></B><BR/><B><FONT face=Arial size=2>" & _
strAddress1 & "</FONT></B><BR/><FONT face=Arial size=1>" & _
strAddress2 & "<BR>" & strCity & ", " & _
strProvince & ", " & strPostalCode & _
"<BR>" & strCountry & "<BR>Office: " & strPhone & _
"<BR>" & strEmail & "<BR>www.website.com<BR>" & _
" " & _
"<I><FONT face=Arial size=2>" & strImageCaption & "</FONT>" & _
"<BR/><BR/><BR/></I><FONT face=Arial size=1>" & strDisclaimer & _
Anyone able to help me pass this in as rtf or know of anyway I could do this? Will be very appreciated!
EDIT: Alternatively if anyone knows how to fix the issue with word-wrap/line-breaking hyphens I would love that too.
This can be the RTF template idea, produced by wordpad and slightly altered. I assume you can mixin the VB stuff to replace the variable text.
To get this:
Mystreet 2
My city
My disclaimer
( I don't how to do color in SO markup but in the RTF the first line in RED and My disclaimer is one point smaller)
use this RTF:
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1043{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Arial;}}
{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;}
\cf0\b\fs22 Hello\par
\cf0\b0\i\fs24 postion\par
\i0 My\_street\par
Mystreet 2\par
My city\par
\fs22 My disclaimer\par
between My and street I placed a non breaking hyphen, according to the RTF specs. In html the same could be achieved by using