I am currently trying to learn how to use Alsa to play back an audio file. I seem to have it most of the way, the file loads and plays, but I have to decrease the frequency by half to get it to play correctly. Why is this and how can I fix it?
Here is the Vala code I am currently using:
using Alsa;
using Gee;
using OGG;
namespace SoundTest
public class Sound : Object
private PcmDevice sound_device;
private char[] sound_data;
private uint8[] alsa_data;
private long bit_rate;
public class Sound()
public void init()
public void play_sound_file()
sound_device.writei(alsa_data, sound_device.bytes_to_frames(alsa_data.length));
private uint8[] convert_data(char[] buffer)
uint8[] conversion;
// Just need to convert to an array of uint8s.
conversion = new uint8[buffer.length];
for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++)
conversion[i] = (uint8)buffer[i];
return conversion;
private void setup_sound_player()
// Open the sound device.
if (PcmDevice.open(out sound_device, "default", PcmStream.PLAYBACK, 0) != 0)
critical("Unable to open a sound device\n");
// Set the parameters to use for playback.
if (sound_device.set_params(PcmFormat.S16_LE, PcmAccess.RW_INTERLEAVED, 2, (int)bit_rate/2, 1, 500000) != 0)
critical("Could not set params properly\n");
// Prepare the device for playback.
if (sound_device.prepare() != 0)
critical("Could not prepare the device\n");
private void read_sound_file()
char[] buffer;
int stream;
long bytesRead;
string filename;
File inputFile;
Info? soundInfo = null;
Vorbis soundFile;
ArrayList<char> data;
filename = "./Median_test.ogg";
// Make sure the file exists.
inputFile = File.new_for_path(filename);
if (inputFile.query_exists())
// Set the file to be read.
message("Reading file: %s\n", filename);
soundFile = Vorbis(filename);
// Get the information about the sound file.
soundInfo = soundFile.get_info(-1);
if (soundInfo != null)
stdout.printf("Version: %d\nChannels: %d\nRate: %ld\nBitrate: %ld, %ld, %ld\n\n",
soundInfo.version, soundInfo.channels,
soundInfo.rate, soundInfo.bitrate_lower,
soundInfo.bitrate_nominal, soundInfo.bitrate_upper);
// Store the bitrate information of the sound file.
bit_rate = soundInfo.rate;
// Read the data from the file. Here I read a small array worth of
// data and then store it in an array list. I then need to turn
// that array list into a single array. I wish there was a function
// to do it from the list, but I'll just loop.
buffer = new char[4096];
stream = 0;
data = new ArrayList<char>();
bytesRead = soundFile.read(buffer, 0, 2, 1, ref stream);
while (bytesRead > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++)
bytesRead = soundFile.read(buffer, 0, 2, 1, ref stream);
stdout.printf("Bytes read: %ld\n", bytesRead);
sound_data = new char[data.size];
for (int i = 0; i < data.size; i++)
sound_data[i] = data[i];
// Now convert the vorbis data into the type of data alsa needs.
alsa_data = convert_data(sound_data);
critical("No such file:\n\t%s\n\n", filename);
public static int main(string[] args)
Sound test;
stdout.printf("Starting Sound Test\n");
test = new Sound();
return 0;
Thank you for any help you can give.
You are configuring the sound device for two channels, but that file actually has only one.