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jQuery - Wrap <span> around selected text - duplicate instance bug

This question refers a similar question asked here about how to apply a tag to selected text. The question was answered, but that answer had one major flaw, which is that if the same text that is selected exists elsewhere in the document, the <span> wraps around the duplicate, not the text in question.

I realize this maybe be against some stackoverflow protocol, but I'm posting here without a real clue as to how to proceed. My best guess would be to somehow find the string length before the selected text (something along these lines) but how to incorporate that in to the replacement function itself ... well I could use a push. Anyone?

(I have pasted the solution to the previous post (by mathias-bynens ) below.)

    $("p").live("mouseup",function() {
    selection = getSelectedText();
    if(selection.length >= 3) {
        var spn = '<span class="selected">' + selection + '</span>';
        $(this).text($(this).html().replace(selection, spn));


//Grab selected text
function getSelectedText(){
        return window.getSelection().toString();
    else if(document.getSelection){
        return document.getSelection();
    else if(document.selection){
        return document.selection.createRange().text;


  • I cheated, and used document.execCommand to wrap the selected text, then used the href (third parameter of the CreateLink execCommand) to find the element, wrap it with what I wanted, and then remove the link:

    $("p").live("mouseup",function() {
        document.execCommand('CreateLink', false, 'uniqueid');
        var sel = $('a[href="uniqueid"]');
        sel.wrap('<span class="selected" />')

    document.execCommand is supported by all major browsers so you should be safe hacking it this way. In the browsers I've tested, the browser itself will close and open tags for you, so if you're selecting from the middle of one html tag to the middle of another, it should nest the tags correctly.