I have found a strange behavior I can't understand nor resolve. I have a factory FooFactory, which delivers some real-live objects of type Foo
. To test method calls of Foo
objects I mocked FooFactory
, in that way that MockFooFactory
returns MockFoo
objects for which I can expect calls.
The tests (not included) are working fine, but after the test gmock/gtest hangs (seems like mutex problem) during the deconstruction of MockFooFactory. To be precise the deletion of the Default ON_CALL leads to problems when the Mutex is created.
There must an issue with the smart pointers, when I build a version without smart pointers, it works fine. But the software I test uses shared_ptr as smart pointers, and so I can't get rid of them.
Here is a sample I build which reproduces the error:
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
class Foo
void doSomething() {}
typedef boost::shared_ptr<Foo> FooPtr;
class FooFactory {
FooPtr create() {
return FooPtr(new Foo());
typedef boost::shared_ptr<FooFactory> FooFactoryPtr;
class MockFoo : public Foo {
MOCK_METHOD0(doSomething, void());
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MockFoo> MockFooPtr;
class MockFactory : public FooFactory
MOCK_METHOD0(create, FooPtr());
typedef boost::shared_ptr<MockFactory> MockFactoryPtr;
using ::testing::Return;
class Fixture : public ::testing::Test {
virtual void SetUp() {
mockFoo = MockFooPtr(new MockFoo());
mockFactory = MockFactoryPtr(new MockFactory());
ON_CALL(*mockFactory, create()).WillByDefault(Return(mockFoo));
MockFactoryPtr mockFactory;
MockFooPtr mockFoo;
TEST_F(Fixture, Test)
/* Not needed */
Has anyone experienced the same problem or has a solution for it?
Okay after updating to the trunk version of gmock everything is fine, because they fixed this issue: