Does any one know why some of my font families won't render on some mobile devices? Here's a page that demonstrates the fonts:
The fonts render properly on desktop chrome browser, ipad and iphone. But when i view that page on my galaxy note, the Have A Nice Day font renders as something that looks like arial. On my friends nexus 4, Have a nice day works fine, but the universe condense renders as something that looks like arial.
Does anyone know why?
I've attached screenshot of what the fonts should look like
Additional notes some people claim Have a nice day is not working in Firefox or IE10. For me, the font works on Firefox. I don't have IE10, so unable to verify.
How do I make this font work on my android?
Additional Notes I had a typing mistake in my link path to my css files. I've corrected it now. But the problem still appears in my droid browser.
The problem has been fixed. Apparently there was a bug on that corrupted my font files. I contacted and they corrected the issue right away. Then re-sent me the font files. Now everything works perfectly.
The guys at are amazing. Very good customer + tech support services.