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simplify regex, [star] mysteriously disappears

enter image description here! Problem This is my lecture notes;"Prove a*(b+ab*)=b+aab"
I am having trouble understanding what happened at line 3-> line 4;
What I understand Two things happen at those two line;

  1. Take ab* out of term ab* and term aa*b, results(Λ+aa*);
  2. Last term aa*ab* simplifies to aa*b* Because a in the middle is redundant;

Question is what happen to the * at aa*b(*)?


  • It looks like your professor left out lines 3⅓ and 3⅔:

    Line 3:     b + ab* + aa*b + aa*ab*
    Line 3⅓:    b + ab* + aa*ab* + aa*b      ←  commute last two terms
    Line 3⅔:    b + Λab* + aa*ab* + aa*b     ←  ab* = Λab*
    Line 4:     b + (Λ + aa*)ab* + aa*b      ←  distributive property