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CCParticleSnow not looping/repeating.

I wrote this code.

 CCSpriteFrame *starParticleFrame = [[CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache] spriteFrameByName:spriteName];
            CCParticleSnow *emitter = [[CCParticleSnow alloc] initWithTotalParticles:8];

            [emitter setTexture:[starParticleFrame texture] withRect:[starParticleFrame rect]];
            emitter.position = ADJUST_XY(theScreenSize.width/2, 3*theScreenSize.height/4);
            emitter.scale = HD_PIXELS(1.5);

            emitter.speed = 20 + arc4random() %20;
            [emitter setDuration:kCCParticleDurationInfinity];

            //[emitter setGravity:CGPointMake(0, -150)];
            [self addChild: emitter z:-1];

It works. But problem is it just fire up the snow once, and not continuous. (in this case, just 8 particles came out and that's it).

However, if I exchange the 2nd line of code into

CCParticleSnow *emitter = [CCParticleSnow node];

then the particle system able to loop continuously. I read the docs and googled about this but to no avail. The last try was to put that duration to kCCParticleDurationInfinity. But still not working.

Help me, please.


  • You limit the emitter to 8 particles. It will only spawn new particles after the initial 8 are gone.