my goal is to print my Table as close with even spaces between each col.
(defn PrintTable [tableName]
"prints table in clear format"
(let [tableRef (get (deref dataBase) tableName) ; get refrence for table
keyList (keys @tableRef)] ; get key list of table
(doseq [tableKeys (range (count keyList))] ; print the keys of the table
(let [key (nth (keys @tableRef) tableKeys)]
(print key "\t|"))
(doseq [rows (range (count @(tableRef (nth (keys @tableRef) 0))))] ; print for each rows all the values
(doseq [cols (range (count keyList))]
(let [key (nth (keys @tableRef) cols)]
(print (@(tableRef key) rows) "\t|")
i have tried using tab however this is the out come i get:
P_Id |LastName |FirstName |Address |City |
1 |Darmon |Gilad |ishayahu |Haifa |
2 |SM |Shiran |erez |RamatIshay |
D_Id |Name |OwnerLastName |OwnerFirstName |
a |Bono |Darmon |Gilad |
b |Bony |SM |Shiran |
any suggestion for a nicer and aligned print?
use format
to make the cols line up:
user> (println (format "%20s %20s %20s\n%20s %20s %20s"
"short" "medium" "reallylong"
"reallylong" "medium" "short"))
short medium reallylong
reallylong medium short
or left justify with %-20s
user> (println (format "%-20s %-20s %-20s\n%-20s %-20s %-20s"
"short" "medium" "reallylong"
"reallylong" "medium" "short"))
short medium reallylong
reallylong medium short