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PHP Class private variable misdirected value

first of all, my problem is from my php class called by a php file who is accessed by an AJAX call.

The problem is that the return value is totally wrong and is not the same as the sybase_result value. So what am i missing?

Here are the steps of my program.

First we make the AJAX call:

    type: "POST",
    url: "ajax/load_fiche_resume.php",
    dataType: 'json',
    data: ({matricule:matricule, id_mun:id_mun}),
    beforeSend: function()
        // Handle the beforeSend event
    complete: function()
        // Handle the complete event

    success: function(data)


    error: function () 
        alert("Oops! Une erreur c'est produite.\nVeuiller rafraichir la page. \nSi cela se reproduit, veuiller contacter le propriétaire du site.");

Then, we go into the php file load_fiche_resume.php


$oRole = new Role("42025", "2036-94-5034");

$ar_step2 = array(
                array("Nom(s) : ", $oRole->getProprioNoms() ),
                array("Adresse postale : ", $oRole->getProprioAdresse() ),
                array("Condition particulière d'inscription : ", $oRole->getProprioCondition() ),
                array("Date d'inscription au rôle : ", $oRole->getProprioDateInscription() )

If we look closer at the code above, the return value of the function $oRole->getProprioDateInscription() is supposed to be a date. But instead of a date, this function return a string from another get function(i.e.: it will show the valu of $oRole->getProprioNoms) and it is totally wrong.

If we go inside the class $oRole we have this:

class Role
    private $prop_inscription;
    public function getInfoProprio()
        $qry = "SELECT 
                    p.nom_form AS nom_form,
                    p.t_typos AS t_typos,
                    substr(p.d_date_inscr,1,10) AS d_date_inscr,
                    pga.adr_form AS adr_form,
                    p.id_adr AS id_adr,
           AS id
                    ev_dossiers d,
                    ro_b75 p,
                    pg_adresses pga
                    d.id_dossiers = ".$this->getIdDossier()." AND
                    d.typ_donnees = 11 AND
                    d.id_donnees = AND
                    p.id_adr = pga.id_adr order by, p.id_adr, p.ordre;";
        $this->prop_qry = $qry;
        $result = sybase_query($qry, $this->getLinkDB());
        $nbr = sybase_num_rows($result);
        $typos = sybase_result($result, 0, "t_typos");

            for($cpt=0; $cpt<$nbr; $cpt++)
                    $this->setProprioNoms(utf8_encode(strtr(trim(sybase_result($result, $cpt, "nom_form")),"’","'")));
                    $this->setProprioAdresse(utf8_encode(strtr(trim(sybase_result($result, $cpt, "adr_form")),"’","'")));
                    $this->setProprioCondition($this->getConditionInscription(sybase_result($result, $cpt, "t_typos")));

// THIS IS PROBLEMATIC                       
$this->setProprioDateInscription(sybase_result($result, 0, "d_date_inscr"));
                    $this->setProprioNoms(", ".utf8_encode(strtr(trim(sybase_result($result, $cpt, "nom_form")),"’","'")));


        public function getProprioDateInscription()
        return $this->prop_inscription;
    private function setProprioDateInscription($date)
        $this->prop_inscription = $date;

If we have look at the line where we have this : $this->setProprioDateInscription(sybase_result($result, 0, "d_date_inscr"));

The sybase_result return a date (it's all OK from the database and the value is good). But the problem is between the Setter and the Getter of the private var prop_inscription.

Can you help me? Do you know where is the problem from?

Thank you very much.


  • To resolve this,

    juste change this line

    // THIS IS PROBLEMATIC                       
    $this->setProprioDateInscription(sybase_result($result, 0, "d_date_inscr"));


    $this->setProprioDateInscription(utf8_encode(strtr(trim(sybase_result($result, $cpt,"d_date_inscr")),"’","'")));