This question: SVN: Moving repository trunk to another's branch (with history) outlines a history-preserving process for merging in one repository as a sub-directory of another. I need to do a similar merge, but I'm trying to understand how the revision numbers will be managed in the new combined repository.
Assuming both "RepositoryA" and "RepositoryB" each already have a "revision 5", if revision 5 of "RepositoryA/trunk" is relocated to "RepositoryB/RepAProject/trunk", what will it be numbered? Will the revision numbers for both repositories be updated? Or will the merged-in repository get new sequential revision numbers appropriate for the date of merge?
And and as a bonus question, will it still be possible for users to svn switch --relocate
from the old repo to the new subdirectory, or will the new repository UUID prevent that?
The merged-in repository will get new sequential revision numbers appropriate for the inserts of the new inport commits (6 - 10 in your example), but their timestamps will be consistent with what you saw in the original repository.
The svnadmin load
will import each of the five revisions in order.
After importing the old repos (with 5 revisions) the destination repos will have 10 revisions, but revisions 6-10 will have earlier timestamps than revisions 1-5.
Be aware that in live systems other commits area allowed mid-import process.
As you correctly answered, the change in the UUID will prevent the svn switch --relocate
command from working.