I have a problem.
I have a page where I send commands to a sensor network.
When I click on this part of code
<a href='javascript:void(send_command_to_sensor("{{net.id}}", "{{sens.id}}", "identify"));'></a>
I call a js function, this:
function send_command_to_sensor(net, sens, command) {
$.ajax({url: "/networks/" + net + "/sensors/" + sens + "/send?command=" + command,
type: "GET",
async: true,
dataType: "json",
success: function(json_response) {
var err = json_response['error'];
if (err) {
show_alert('error', err);
var success = json_response['success'];
if (success) {
show_alert('success', success);
show_alert('alert', "This should not happen!");
This function build a url that recall an handler in the Tornado web server written in python. The handler is this:
# SensorSend handler.
# Sends a packet to the sensor by writing in a file (Should work through
# MySQL database) read by Quantaserv Daemon
class SensorSendHandler(BaseHandler):
# Requires authentication
def get(self, nid, sid):
command = self.get_argument('command').upper();
print command
# Retrieve the current user
usr = self.get_current_user()
usr_id = usr['id']
self.lock_tables("read", ['nets_permissions as n'])
perm = self.db.get("SELECT n.perm FROM nets_permissions as n \
WHERE n.network_id=%s AND n.user_id=%s", nid, int(usr_id))
# Check whether the user has access to the network
perms = self.check_network_access(nid, perm['perm'])
#Check wether the sensor exists in this network
self.check_sensor_in_network(sid, nid)
# The dictionary to return
ret = {}
# The following Code is valid for ZTC networks only
# Must be generalized
# TODO: - get the network type:
# - check wether the command is allowed
if command not in ['ON', 'OFF', 'TOGGLE', 'IDENTIFY']:
raise tornado.web.HTTPError(404, "Unknown command: " + str(command))
#Command OnOffCmd_SetState
if command in ['ON', 'OFF', 'TOGGLE']:
op_group = "70"
op_code = "50"
packet_meta = "%s%s%s%s02%s%s600080000%s"
pkt_len = hextransform(16, 2)
netid = hextransform(int(nid), 16)
sens_id = hextransform(int(sid) >> 16, 4)
sens_id_little = invert2bytes(sens_id,0)
cluster_id = hextransform(int(sid) & 0x00FFFF, 4)
end_point = "08"
if command == 'ON':
cmd_data = "01"
elif command == 'OFF':
cmd_data = "00"
elif command == 'TOGGLE':
cmd_data = "02"
packet = packet_meta % (netid, op_group, op_code, pkt_len, sens_id, end_point, cmd_data)
packet = packet.upper()
print command
#Command ZDP-IEEE_addr.Request
elif command == 'IDENTIFY':
op_group = "A2"
op_code = "01"
packet_meta = "%s%s%s%s"
pkt_len = hextransform(2, 2)
sens_id = hextransform(int(sid) >> 16, 4)
sens_id_little = invert2bytes(sens_id,0)
packet = packet_meta % (op_group, op_code, pkt_len, sens_id)
packet = packet.upper()
#Command ZDP-Active_EP_req.Request
elif command == 'HOWMANY':
op_group = "A2"
op_code = "05"
packet_meta = "%s%s%s%s%s"
pkt_len = hextransform(4, 2)
netid = hextransform(int(nid), 16)
sens_id = hextransform(int(sid) >> 16, 4)
sens_id_little = invert2bytes(sens_id,0)
packet = packet_meta % (op_group, op_code, pkt_len, sens_id, netid)
packet = packet.upper()
mynet_type ="ztc"
cmdjson = packet2json(op_group_hex,op_code_hex, packet)
print("\t\t " + packet + "\n")
#TODO : -write command into db
ts = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
self.lock_tables("write", ['confcommands'])
self.db.execute("INSERT INTO confcommands (network_id, ntype, timestamp, command) \
VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)", nid, mynet_type, ts, cmdjson)
############### ELISA ##########################################
# TODO: - open the /tmp/iztc file in append mode
cmdfile = open('/tmp/iztc', 'a')
# - acquire a lock "only for the DB case, it's easier"
# - write the packet
cmdfile.write(nid + "\t"+ mynet_type + "\t"+ ts + "\t"+ cmdjson +"\n");
# - release the lock "only for the DB case, it's easier"
# - close the file
if command == 'HOWMANY':
opcodegroupr = "A0"
opcoder = "85"
elif command == 'IDENTIFY':
opcodegroupr = "A0"
opcoder = "81"
print command
#Code for retrieving the MAC address of the node
como_url = "".join(['http://', options.como_address, ':', options.como_port,
'/', ztc_config, '?netid=', netid,
'&opcode_group=', opcodegroupr,
'&opcode=', opcoder, '&start=-5m&end=-1s'])
http_client = AsyncHTTPClient()
response = yield tornado.gen.Task(http_client.fetch, como_url)
ret = {}
if response.error:
ret['error'] = 'Error while retrieving unregistered sensors'
for line in response.body.split("\n"):
if line != "":
value = int(line.split(" ")[6])
ret['response'] = value
if command == 'HOWMANY':
status = value[0]
NwkAddress = value[1:2]
ActiveEPCount = value[3]
ActiveEPList = value[len(ActiveEPCount)]
if status == "0":
ret['success'] = "The %s command has been succesfully sent!" % (command.upper())
elif status == "80":
ret['error'] = "Invalid Request Type"
elif status == "89":
ret['error'] = "No Descriptor"
ret['error'] = "Device not found!"
if command == 'IDENTIFY':
status = value[0]
IEEEAddrRemoteDev = value[1:8]
NWKAddrRemoteDev = value[9:2]
NumOfAssociatedDevice = value[11:1]
StartIndex = value[12:1]
ListOfShortAddress = value[13:2*NumOfAssociatedDevice]
if status == "0":
ret['success'] = "Command succesfully sent! The IEEE address is: %s" % (IEEEAddrRemoteDev)
elif status == "80":
ret['success'] = "Invalid Request Type"
ret['error'] = "Device Not Found"
The error I receive in the developer consolle is this:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'error' of null $.ajax.successwsn.js:26 jQuery.Callbacks.firejquery-1.7.2.js:1075 jQuery.Callbacks.self.fireWithjquery-1.7.2.js:1193 donejquery-1.7.2.js:7538 jQuery.ajaxTransport.send.callback
in the js function. Why the function doesn't know 'error' or 'success'? Where is the problem???? I think the program don't enter never in the handler, but is blocked after, just in the js function.
Thank you very much for the help! It's a long post but it's simple to read! Please!
The quick read is the function isn't decorated correctly.
The line
response = yield tornado.gen.Task(http_client.fetch, como_url)
Means that you should declare the function thusly:
def get(self):
Note the addition of the two additional decorators.