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Deploying not happening in publishing process

I am trying to publish to local file system, however publishing is not happening properly and its failed to deploy in my 2011 GA VM environment.

I am getting "Polling for notification for destination: YTnMgU6u5Vh09cOGUG7ouA== has exceeded polling attempts for transaction: tcm:0-121257-66560" error in "Preparing Deployment" stage.

I have used the “Local File System” protocol in my publication target and I have provided path like d:\tridion\publish.

And I have provided the same path in cd_storage_conf.xml under the <storage type=”filesystem”>. All other storage types are commented.

And in cd_deployer_conf.xml , quee location path is c:\tridion\incoming.

When I publish any page into my publication target, the zipped package is placed in the d:\tridion\publish and it’s not deployed.

Do I need to do any other thing to deploy the zipped package?


  • You say your working sites use HTTP sender/deployer. In that scenario your deployer is triggered by the HTTP servlet which receives the transport package.

    When you use local file system - you MUST configure your deployer to work in a different way. It has to run as some form of background service. Typically on a windows box this means installing the deployer as a windows service. Keep in mind that this will then probably have additional config files for the deployer and broker/storage.