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Numbers to Roman Numbers with php

I need to transform ordinary numbers to Roman numerals with php and I have this code:


function roman2number($roman){
    $conv = array(
        array("letter" => 'I', "number" => 1),
        array("letter" => 'V', "number" => 5),
        array("letter" => 'X', "number" => 10),
        array("letter" => 'L', "number" => 50),
        array("letter" => 'C', "number" => 100),
        array("letter" => 'D', "number" => 500),
        array("letter" => 'M', "number" => 1000),
        array("letter" => 0, "number" => 0)
    $arabic = 0;
    $state = 0;
    $sidx = 0;
    $len = strlen($roman);

    while ($len >= 0) {
        $i = 0;
        $sidx = $len;

        while ($conv[$i]['number'] > 0) {
            if (strtoupper(@$roman[$sidx]) == $conv[$i]['letter']) {
                if ($state > $conv[$i]['number']) {
                    $arabic -= $conv[$i]['number'];
                } else {
                    $arabic += $conv[$i]['number'];
                    $state = $conv[$i]['number'];



function number2roman($num,$isUpper=true) {
    $n = intval($num);
    $res = '';

    /*** roman_numerals array ***/
    $roman_numerals = array(
        'M' => 1000,
        'CM' => 900,
        'D' => 500,
        'CD' => 400,
        'C' => 100,
        'XC' => 90,
        'L' => 50,
        'XL' => 40,
        'X' => 10,
        'IX' => 9,
        'V' => 5,
        'IV' => 4,
        'I' => 1

    foreach ($roman_numerals as $roman => $number)
        /*** divide to get matches ***/
        $matches = intval($n / $number);

        /*** assign the roman char * $matches ***/
        $res .= str_repeat($roman, $matches);

        /*** substract from the number ***/
        $n = $n % $number;

    /*** return the res ***/
    if($isUpper) return $res;
    else return strtolower($res);

/* TEST */
echo $s=number2roman(6,true);
echo "\n and bacK:\n";
echo roman2number($s);


try this way but does not work:

echo $s=number2roman((.$row['id'].),true);
echo "\n and bacK:\n";
echo roman2number($s);

the problem is that I need to change numbers are readings of my sql database and do not know how to, from and through.


  • I found this code here:

    Optimized and prettified function:

     * @param int $number
     * @return string
    function numberToRomanRepresentation($number) {
        $map = array('M' => 1000, 'CM' => 900, 'D' => 500, 'CD' => 400, 'C' => 100, 'XC' => 90, 'L' => 50, 'XL' => 40, 'X' => 10, 'IX' => 9, 'V' => 5, 'IV' => 4, 'I' => 1);
        $returnValue = '';
        while ($number > 0) {
            foreach ($map as $roman => $int) {
                if($number >= $int) {
                    $number -= $int;
                    $returnValue .= $roman;
        return $returnValue;