I am trying to parse the following format from a nginx log file: [02/Oct/2012:10:21:46 +0000] GET /api/123/test.json?stop=2012-09-29 502 0
My python script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
f = file('slow-queries.txt', 'r')
# iterate over the lines in the file
for line in f:
# split the line into a list of column values
columns = line.split(' ')
# clean any whitespace off the items
# columns = [col.strip() for col in columns]
# ensure the column has at least one value before printing
if columns:
print "first =>", columns[0] # print the first column
print "second =>", columns[1]
Basically all I want from the log file is the query that was sent, so in the above example, i'm looking to extract /api/123/test.json?stop=2012-09-29
My script doesn't seem to do this, what am I doing wrong?
Those are tabs, not spaces:
ip, date, method, path, status, _ = line.split('\t')