I'm successfully establishing an ftp connection and want to get files from FTP server.
This is my code:
ftp.GetFile(file.Name, path + file.Name, false);
where ftp is FtpConnection.
And for all the other files it went well. Now, for the first time I got it and the exception msg isn't clear to me at all. Here it is:
200 Type set to I
227 Entering Passive Mode (93,186,176,75,78,64).
213 21846
What does this mean?
Since FTP is a bidirectional protocol and you need 2 connections (server <-> client)
In active mode the client connect to the server and the server connects back to the client. This is usually a problem with firewalls. In passive mode the client creates both connections, one on the ftp port, the second one on another port.
This can be for high server load or bad firewall configuration.