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Android - How to copy a folder from File System to SD card using DDMS?

I have a folder on the file system .
The folder contains around 200 files.
I want to copy this to a particular folder on SD card.

The problem is -

DDMS only gives the option of pushing a file onto device? 
Do we have any option of Pushing the complete folder onto device?

I know that there are ways to copy this folder programatically by keeping them in assets Or Zip the folder and copy it , but my question is specifically for Android DDMS.

Any help will be highly appreciated.


  • Just push it :-)

    For example you have folder /data/tmp and you want to push it to /mnt/sdcard:

    adb push /data/tmp /mnt/sdcard

    Sorry I forgot you work with DDMS. But I just know how to do that with adb. You can find the file adb in folder [android-sdk]/platform-tools/. If you're running Windows, it could be adb.bat or adb.exe.