The Orbit slider that comes as part of Zurb's Foundation seems to add a class of hide-for-small
to the navigation.
I need the navigation to still show up however in order to show my content. I have tried removing the hide-for-small
part of the wrapper in line 59 but the class keeps getting added.
Does anyone have an idea how to remove it?
Update: Please see jmsg1990's answer as it is the proper way to do this now.
Just ran into this problem myself and solved it quite easily by opening up
At line 60:
directionalNavHTML: '<div class="slider-nav hide-for-small"><span class="right"></span><span class="left"></span></div>'
Simply remove the class "hide-for-small" like below and it works as expected.
directionalNavHTML: '<div class="slider-nav"><span class="right"></span><span class="left"></span></div>'