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Cache manifest - what happens to a cached page that links to an updated/invalidated manifest?

Imagine this scenario:

/pageone.html and /pagetwo.html both reference /cache.manifest. Neither page are explicitly mentioned in the manifest.

A user visits both /pageone.html and /pagetwo.html while online, so now both pages, and all the files in the manifest will be cached offline in their browser.

Now the /cache.manifest file gets updated, and so does /pagetwo.html.

The user requests /pageone.html again, and their browser will now refresh the /cache.manifest and all the mentioned files.

Now the user goes offline, and then visits /pagetwo.html. What happens?

  • Will the new /pagetwo.html already be downloaded with the new manifest, even though it's not explicitly mentioned?
  • Or will the browser just show the old /pagetwo.html with the new manifest?
  • Or will the browser just show a page not available page?


  • I tested it. It will show the old version of the page (at least in chrome).