Below is a typo for a C++ include guard. Both should read _MYFILE_H_
#ifndef _MYFILE_H_
#define _MYFLIE_H_
How would you suggest searching a bunch of header files for a typo like this using GNU coreutils (e.g. grep, awk)?
You could use awk
if ($1 == "#ifndef") { was_ifdef = 1; def = $2 }
else if ($1 == "#define" && was_ifdef)
if ($2 != def) printf("Mismatch in %s: expected %s found %s\n", FILENAME, def, $2);
else was_ifdef = 0;
There may be more clever ways to do this, but this is (to me) quite clear and easy.
Note: This will show "false positives" if the file contains something like
typedef int foo;