I'm trying to build a dynamic gexf graph-file using the R library Rgexf. It is great so far but I would like to add node attributes changing over time. As I understand it the gexf format supports this but I don't know how to add this using the R library.
Is this possible with rgexf? If not which would be another way to do it? I have some basic python knowlegde would pygexf a mor powerfull alternative?
As author/developer of rgexf I can tell you that for the current version it is not possible handling spells or dynamic attributes. The next version will (hoping to have it in the next two weeks).
For now you can try using Paul Girard's pygexf (gexf for python) https://github.com/paulgirard/pygexf , which supports spells.
Here you will fine a really good example of network dynamics with spells and dynamic attributes http://gexf.net/format/dynamics.html
If you have another concern/suggestion about the library please do not hesitate to send me an email at george [dot] vega [at] nodoschile.org . I would be very grateful.
Best wishes
George Vega