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Where to store color information in a web application?

I've been working on a Django app for a scheduling system (using AJAX dhtmlScheduler library) and I need to color code the types of events. As part of each event, the client expects me to return a #00F162 string indicating the color of the event. This is then parsed by the client and displayed by the Javascript.

The styling guide is described below:

The first option is to store a hex value in the DB, perhaps in the event_type database. The second option, is to place the logic for this in my application and calculate it based upon the shift selected.

Storing the entry in event_type database seems strange, as I feel like I am mixing up the appearance with the model and the colors will not change. The second option means I am hard-coding the values in the app.

Which would be the best approach?


  • In this particular case I would store the hex colour code in a field within a model.

    In essence:

    class Event(models.Model):
        ALERT   = "alert"
        WARNING = "warning"
        ERROR   = "error"
        EVENT_TYPES = (
            (ALERT,   "Alert"),
            (WARNING, "Warning"),
            (ERROR,   "Error"),
        YELLOW = "FF6A00"
        ORANGE = "FFE800"
        RED    = "FF0000"
        COLOURS = (
            (YELLOW, "Yellow"),
            (ORANGE, "Orange"),
            (RED,    "Red"),
        event_type = models.CharField(max_length=16, choices=EVENT_TYPES, default=ALERT)
        event_colour = models.CharField(max_length=6, choices=COLOURS, default=YELLOW)

    Additional note, the reason for the “constants” is to make code that uses this model clean and simple.

    # example 1
    error_events = Event.objects.filter(event_type=Event.ERROR)
    # example 2
    if my_event.event_type == Event.Error:
        # this is an error event

    Also, here's one way you could do it without a colour field on the model:

    class Event(models.Model):
        ALERT   = "alert"
        WARNING = "warning"
        ERROR   = "error"
        EVENT_TYPES = (
            (ALERT,   "Alert"),
            (WARNING, "Warning"),
            (ERROR,   "Error"),
        # map events to colours
        COLOUR = {
            ALERT:   "FF6A00",
            WARNING: "FFE800",
            ERROR:   "FF0000",
        event_type = models.CharField(max_length=16, choices=EVENT_TYPES, default=ALERT)
        def colour(self):
            Return the hexadecimal colour of this event
    # now this would return True
    my_error_event.colour == "FF0000"