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Boost bind AIX xlc io_service run

Im trying to compile project using boost, binding asio::io_service to boost::thread, and Im getting errors that I dont know how to resolve Using: IBM XL C/C++ for AIX, V11.1 (5724-X13), Version: 11.01.0000.0006 (AIX 7.1)

    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/include/boost/asio/detail/posix_fd_set_adapter.hpp", line 33.30: 1540-0198 (W) The omitted keyword "private" is assumed for base class "noncopyable".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 50.46: 1540-0219 (S) The call to "boost::bind" has no best match.
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 50.58: 1540-1229 (I) Argument number 1 is an rvalue of type "overloaded function: boost::asio::io_service::run".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 50.100: 1540-1229 (I) Argument number 2 is an rvalue of type "const boost::reference_wrapper<const boost::asio::io_service>".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/include/boost/bind/bind_mf_cc.hpp", line 30.5: 1540-1202 (I) No candidate is better than "boost::bind<unsigned long,boost::asio::io_service,boost::reference_wrapper<const boost::asio::io_service> >(unsigned long (io_service::*)() const, reference_wrapper<const boost::asio::io_service>)".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 50.58: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 1 to "unsigned long (boost::asio::io_service::*)() const" uses the resolved overloaded function "size_t boost::asio::io_service::run()".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 50.100: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 2 to "boost::reference_wrapper<const boost::asio::io_service>" uses "the identity conversion".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/include/boost/bind/bind_mf_cc.hpp", line 20.5: 1540-1202 (I) No candidate is better than "boost::bind<unsigned long,boost::asio::io_service,boost::reference_wrapper<const boost::asio::io_service> >(unsigned long (io_service::*)(), reference_wrapper<const boost::asio::io_service>)".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 50.58: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 1 to "unsigned long (boost::asio::io_service::*)()" uses the resolved overloaded function "size_t boost::asio::io_service::run()".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 50.100: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 2 to "boost::reference_wrapper<const boost::asio::io_service>" uses "the identity conversion".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 52.35: 1540-0219 (S) The call to "boost::bind" has no best match.
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 52.47: 1540-1229 (I) Argument number 1 is an rvalue of type "overloaded function: boost::asio::io_service::run".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 52.98: 1540-1229 (I) Argument number 2 is an rvalue of type "boost::asio::io_service *".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/include/boost/bind/bind_mf_cc.hpp", line 30.5: 1540-1202 (I) No candidate is better than "boost::bind<unsigned long,boost::asio::io_service,boost::asio::io_service *>(unsigned long (io_service::*)() const, io_service *)".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 52.47: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 1 to "unsigned long (boost::asio::io_service::*)() const" uses the resolved overloaded function "size_t boost::asio::io_service::run()".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 52.98: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 2 to "boost::asio::io_service *" uses "the identity conversion".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/include/boost/bind/bind_mf_cc.hpp", line 20.5: 1540-1202 (I) No candidate is better than "boost::bind<unsigned long,boost::asio::io_service,boost::asio::io_service *>(unsigned long (io_service::*)(), io_service *)".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 52.47: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 1 to "unsigned long (boost::asio::io_service::*)()" uses the resolved overloaded function "size_t boost::asio::io_service::run()".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/ots/src/agent/", line 52.98: 1540-1231 (I) The conversion from argument number 2 to "boost::asio::io_service *" uses "the identity conversion".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/include/boost/asio/impl/write.hpp", line 276.7: 1540-0198 (W) The omitted keyword "private" is assumed for base class "detail::base_from_completion_cond<CompletionCondition>".
    "/home/clag/projects/tomas/include/boost/asio/impl/write.hpp", line 276.7: 1540-0198 (W) The omitted keyword "private" is assumed for base class "detail::base_from_completion_cond>boost::asio::detail::transfer_all_t>"

Code that is causing errors:

    acceptor_thread_.reset(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, boost::cref(*accept_io_service_))));
    for (int i = 0; i < agent_config_.threads(); i++) {
        thread_group_.create_thread(boost::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::run, work_io_service_.get()));


    boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> accept_io_service_;
    boost::shared_ptr<boost::thread> acceptor_thread_;
    boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> work_io_service_;
    boost::thread_group thread_group_;

Just to mention, this will probably will be just some flag option, but I cant find it anywhere Because same code compiles perfectly fine on Linux(GCC), HP-UX(aCC) and Windows(MSVC).

Thx for help


  • A quick google search suggest that AIX has had issues with overload resolution, especially when templates are involved. As such, it may be worth trying different approaches to reduce the amount of overload resolutions that need to occur.

    For example, boost::mem_fn() could be used in place of boost::bind().

    std::size_t (io_service::*run)() = &io_service::run;
    boost::thread t(boost::mem_fn(run), io_service);

    Furthermore, if the compiler is still having issues resolving the overloads, then consider writing a simple functor. The only requirement for the boost::thread() constructor is that the func argument is copyable and func() must be a valid expression.

    struct service_runner
      explicit service_runner(boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> io_service)
        : io_service(io_service)
      std::size_t operator()() { return io_service->run(); }
      boost::shared_ptr<boost::asio::io_service> io_service;
    boost::thread t((service_runner(io_service)));

    Other points to take into consideration:

    • Prefer compiling conforming code, rather than using compiler flags to allow nonconforming code to compile. In this particular case, io_service::run() is a non-const member function, but the accept_io_service instance argument being bound to it is passed as a constant reference through boost::cref(). Compiler flags, such as gcc's -fpermissive, need to be added to allow for the nonconforming code to compile. Be very careful in using these options, as they may mask serious problems.
    • Consider passing boost::shared_ptr as the instance handle to the binding calls. This will keep the io_service alive as long as the thread is still running. Otherwise, the io_service could be deleted while a thread is still processing its event loop, resulting in a high chance of invoking undefined behavior.