I am using Flash Develop for compilation ( Not Flash IDE )
Here is a sample code :
[Embed(source = 'assets.swf', symbol = 'app.view.CustomButton')
var customButton_Class:Class ;
var customButton_Instance ;
customButton_Instance = new customButton_Class();
The problem is that this "customButton_Instance" doesnot know anything about app.view.CustomButton ?? ( Actually this means there is no sense in setting the class as app.view.CustomButton in the assets.fla library )
The workaround i am following is :
var customButton:CustomButton = new CustomButton();
customButton.setView( customButton_Instance )
But i wanted somehow, the customButton_Instance should automatically associate itself with the customButton class. Any ideas pls ?
When using Embed you lose the symbol's associated class. That's how it works.
Instead, if you're using Flash Pro, choose to Publish a SWC that you can then add to your FlashDevelop project (in FlashDevelop: right-click > Add to Library), and then all the symbols will be visible in code completion like any class and you can just write new app.view.CustomButton() or create a custom class extending it.