I have this method that is not working the way I need. It create a MKPolyline "animated": let's say I have 85 points. Each polyline that connects these points is created 0.1 second after the previous. For this, it call itself through performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:.
-(void)addOverlaysFromPointsWithStartFromAndPoints:(NSArray *)arguments
NSLog(@"end: %@ / coordinates count: %d",[arguments objectAtIndex:0],[[arguments objectAtIndex:1] count]);
CLLocationCoordinate2D *locations = malloc(sizeof(CLLocationCoordinate2D)*2);
Location *loc1 = (Location *)[[arguments objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:[(NSNumber *)[arguments objectAtIndex:0] intValue]-1];
Location *loc2= (Location *)[[arguments objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:[(NSNumber *)[arguments objectAtIndex:0] intValue]];
locations[0] = loc1.location;
locations[1] = loc2.location;
routeLine = [MKPolyline polylineWithCoordinates:locations count:2];
[self.map addOverlay:routeLine];
if(([(NSNumber *)[arguments objectAtIndex:0] intValue]+1) < [[arguments objectAtIndex:1] count])//add more overlays after delays unless this is the endpoint
NSArray *parameters = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[(NSNumber *)[arguments objectAtIndex:0] intValue] + 1],[arguments objectAtIndex:1],nil];
[self performSelector:@selector(addOverlaysFromPointsWithStartFromAndPoints:) withObject:parameters afterDelay:0.1];
In my case, I have kind of 3 subroutes to be created, so initially I have arrays with 7, 68 and 85 indexes each one. Check this log:
2013-02-21 10:31:22.372 SIGView[329:907] end: 1 / coordinates count: 7
2013-02-21 10:31:22.433 SIGView[329:907] end: 1 / coordinates count: 68
2013-02-21 10:31:22.528 SIGView[329:907] end: 1 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.541 SIGView[329:907] end: 2 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.542 SIGView[329:907] end: 2 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.650 SIGView[329:907] end: 2 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.653 SIGView[329:907] end: 3 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.655 SIGView[329:907] end: 3 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.796 SIGView[329:907] end: 3 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.798 SIGView[329:907] end: 4 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.801 SIGView[329:907] end: 4 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.898 SIGView[329:907] end: 4 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.905 SIGView[329:907] end: 5 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.909 SIGView[329:907] end: 5 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:23.013 SIGView[329:907] end: 5 / coordinates count: 85
I seems like when the method is first called for each array, it works fine but then it assumes the last array (that contains 85 objects). So, i have only one "route" created and animated.
The log should look something like:
2013-02-21 10:31:22.372 SIGView[329:907] end: 1 / coordinates count: 7
2013-02-21 10:31:22.433 SIGView[329:907] end: 1 / coordinates count: 68
2013-02-21 10:31:22.528 SIGView[329:907] end: 1 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.541 SIGView[329:907] end: 2 / coordinates count: 7
2013-02-21 10:31:22.542 SIGView[329:907] end: 2 / coordinates count: 68
2013-02-21 10:31:22.650 SIGView[329:907] end: 2 / coordinates count: 85
2013-02-21 10:31:22.653 SIGView[329:907] end: 3 / coordinates count: 7
2013-02-21 10:31:22.655 SIGView[329:907] end: 3 / coordinates count: 68
2013-02-21 10:31:22.796 SIGView[329:907] end: 3 / coordinates count: 85
I hope you understand the problem and help how to get this fixed.
Thanks in advance!
Here is how the method is called:
NSArray *argumentsToOverlay = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1],locationsToLoadRegion, nil];
[self addOverlaysFromPointsWithStartFromAndPoints:argumentsToOverlay];
This part of the code is called three times when the locationsToLoadRegion
array contains respectively 7, 68 and 85 objects.
The problem start when performSelector:
is called the first time.
- (void)createPathWithCoordinates:(NSMutableArray *)coordinates{
int count;
// This for run through all sub routes
for (NSArray *trackings in coordinates) {
[locationsToLoadRegion removeAllObjects];
count = [trackings count];
if (count > 1){
// This for save the coordinates available for sub route
for (NSInteger index = 0; index < count; index++)
Location *tempLocation = [trackings objectAtIndex:index];
[locationsToLoadRegion addObject:tempLocation];
NSArray *argumentsToOverlay = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:[NSNumber numberWithInt:1],locationsToLoadRegion, nil];
[self addOverlaysFromPointsWithStartFromAndPoints:argumentsToOverlay];
Try this:
NSArray *argumentsToOverlay = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:1],
[[locationsToLoadRegion copy] autorelease],