If I can use ${project.build.sourceDirectory}
to reference the source directory, what do I use to reference the "resources" directory?
Looking at the super pom, it would seem that ${project.build.resources.resource.directory}
would work, but it does not . . .
maven reference @ Sonatype, chapter 'resource filtering' says that anything from maven internal "Model.class" can be accessed. quote :
"For a full list of properties available on the Maven Model object, take a look at the JavaDoc for the maven-model project here http://maven.apache.org/ref/3.0.4/maven-model/apidocs/index.html. Once you load this JavaDoc, take a look at the Model class. From this Model class JavaDoc, you should be able to navigate to the POM property you wish to reference."
Then, maven help plugin has a handy help:evaluate goal that let you do trial&error to discover the properties.