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Windows 7 taskbar state with minimal code

What would be the shortest code to set the state of a Windows 7 taskbar button for a known window handle?

The goal is to write a console utility that changes the progress and state (colour) of the console window taskbar item from a batch script. While the script performs different tasks, the taskbar item of its console window should represent the current state.

I get the window handle with the GetConsoleWindow() function, but then it seems to require loads of COM and Shell API stuff that I don't understand. One example I've found uses a whole GUI application with MFC to demonstrate the API, but most of it is way too complicated for my little tool and I don't understand it well enough to remove the stuff I don't need.

The tool should compile on Windows 7 with VS2010 (C++) but also run on earlier Windows versions (doing nothing if a feature is not available).


  • I created a class to set the progress in the Win7 taskbar for a project at one time. It's a wrapper for the ITaskBarList3 interface available from the Windows Shell. It's specifically done with ITaskBarList3.SetProgressState and ITaskBarList3.SetProgressValue functions.

    This is the code I dug up:

    #include <shobjidl.h>
    #include <windows.h>
    #pragma comment(lib, "Shell32.lib")
    #pragma comment(lib, "Ole32.lib")
    class Win7TaskbarProgress  
        virtual ~Win7TaskbarProgress();
        void SetProgressState(HWND hwnd, TBPFLAG flag);
        void SetProgressValue(HWND hwnd, ULONGLONG ullCompleted, ULONGLONG ullTotal);
        bool Init();
        ITaskbarList3* m_pITaskBarList3;
        bool m_bFailed;
        m_pITaskBarList3 = NULL;
        m_bFailed = false;
        if (m_pITaskBarList3)   
    void Win7TaskbarProgress::SetProgressState( HWND hwnd, TBPFLAG flag )
        if (Init())
            m_pITaskBarList3->SetProgressState(hwnd, flag);
    void Win7TaskbarProgress::SetProgressValue( HWND hwnd, ULONGLONG ullCompleted, ULONGLONG ullTotal )
        if (Init())
            m_pITaskBarList3->SetProgressValue(hwnd, ullCompleted, ullTotal);
    bool Win7TaskbarProgress::Init()
        if (m_pITaskBarList3)
            return true;
        if (m_bFailed)
            return false;
        // Initialize COM for this thread...
        CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TaskbarList, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITaskbarList3, (void **)&m_pITaskBarList3);
        if (m_pITaskBarList3)
            return true;
        m_bFailed = true;
        return false;