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Javax Validation with Maven / GWT

Im trying to use gwtbootstrap and i implement my project the CellTables example. I use Vaadin 6.8.8, GWT 2.5.0 and Maven 2.2.1

Now when im trying to compile the widgeset i have this warning :

Are validation-api-.jar and validation-api--sources.jar on the classpath?

and the this error :

The type javax.validation.ConstraintViolation cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files

Well i try all!! really many solutions from Stackoverflow and the web. From adding javax dependencies into pom.xml to adding .jar into classpath and so on.

Why gwtbootstrap seems to works with javx.validation and why i can't add javax.validation in my project?


  • I resolve it by using the "hard way" shows in the 5. Methods of this tutorial :